Friday Finds Tournament Recap

If you’ve been around here a minute, you know how much we love sharing our favorite vintage finds every Friday and having you all vote on your winner of the week 🏆 We were so excited to kick off our 3rd annual bracket style tournament to crown THE ultimate Friday Find from 2024! This time we had 52 contestants and 5 rounds for folks to vote on!

In round two, among the remaining 16, we saw animal vs animal, brass vs brass, and quirky time keeper vs quirky time keeper!

In round three, we narrowed the winners down to 8 of your favorites!

And in a close semi-finals, a favorite was starting to emerge: YOU, like us, LOVE a good chair. (And can’t resist a darling teapot)

After a week of nearly impossible choices, and to no one’s surprise, the charming red and cream cafe chairs were the obvious winners, with the vote being 62% vs 38%! This was a really special Friday Find, having come directly from the original owner’s kitchen, and then found their way to a new happy home in the Twin Cities.

Thank you for participating and celebrating some of the amazing, inspiring finds we’ve had this past year. We appreciate you!! 🧡


Did you Know!? Candle Vessel clean-out Edition 🔥


A Quick Paws🐾 to Share Something New!