Celebrating August Magic: Nostalgia, Fun, and Community Spirit
August always seems to bring a bit of magic 🪄 the perfect time between the height of summer activities and official back to school/fall action. It has always been a great reminder (at least for me) to stay present and soak up all the summer goodness.
Growing up, we would spend August visiting family in Maine, doing all our favorite summertime activities (ice cream, swimming, hiking, mid-day snoozes) and doing the fun back to school preparation. As an adult in Minnesota, I’m still prioritizing the same summer activities (especially the naps when I can squeeze them in), and adding in the absolute joy (for me) that is the Minnesota State Fair!
Our goal is to channel that magical mix of nostalgia + fun in store regularly, and this year we’re challenging our thinking a bit to share that energy with a broader community.
First, we’re hosting a school supply drive for Kids In Need Foundation to help ensure that every student starts the school year with everything they need - we’re looking forward to all the nostalgic feelings from school supply shopping and giving back to a great cause.
Second, we are officially representing The Mustache Cat in the scarecrow competition at the Minnesota State Fair! Last year, we loved having our beautiful custom made quilt in the State Fair Creative Arts building. It was so fun to have folks visit and share photos of their #mustachecatinthewild sitings at the fair. We are looking forward to recreating that with our scarecrow that will have a home in the Agriculture Horticulture Building. We can’t wait to see what you (and the judges) think of our “Peace, Love + The Mustache Cat” creation.