Celebrating Women’s History Month - Spotlight Julie and Jane Studios

Continuing our Women's History Month celebration with another extremely talented & fantastic woman partner of The Mustache Cat - Julie from Julie and Jane Studio. Julie is the main artist behind the bright, modern prints we have throughout the shop.

Julie, artist behind Julie and Jane Studios, is from New Jersey (my hometown state) & fun fact, we’ve known each other since Julie was in middle school!

When starting The Mustache Cat, I knew I wanted to incorporate Julie's bright and vibrant pieces of art in the shop. Julie's pieces are currently displayed throughout the shop in both acrylic and wooden hanging frames. In line with our swap option policy, which aims to encourage you to switch out your décor in a sustainable way, Julie will be creating new prints on an ongoing basis that can be swapped throughout the same frames when you are ready! Fun fact - I've known Julie since she was in middle school.

Looking to add some pop of color to your space? Check out Julie’s rotating collections next time you're at The Mustache Cat!


Celebrating Women’s History Month- Spotlight Maisonwares


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