Celebrating Women’s History Month- Spotlight Maisonwares

Our next Women's History Month feature is the infamous maker of our oh so loveable catnip mustaches, among so many other goodies, Maisonwares. I first discovered Maisonwares when my sister gifted me (really Bernie) some fantastic catnip mustaches for Christmas. Following Bernie’s official stamp of approval, I knew that these catnip wonders needed to be on my shelves (we are The Mustache Cat after all).

Ryan, maker behind Maisonwares, is based in Rhode Island. Outside of catnip goodies, she also makes the quirky light switch covers (including 🐱s in berets) that we love having in our shop. Next time you’re at The Mustache Cat make sure to check out our ever evolving curation of Ryan’s creations!


Voyage Minnesota: Meet Rebecca Sansone of The Mustache Cat


Celebrating Women’s History Month - Spotlight Julie and Jane Studios