Reality of Being a Small Business Owner

These 70’s Tiki glasses are serving as a much needed reminder for me that we aren’t (and don’t have to be) just one version of ourselves. 😶 Sharing some recent observations and feelings from my small business life.

As stressful things have been happening in my personal life lately, I have found it incredibly challenging to be the version of myself you all expect and deserve when you come in the shop. A friendly face/partner/owner that is optimistic, passionate, and excited is of course here somewhere - she’s just on a bit beneath the surface the past few days.

In my corporate life it seemed easier to retreat - reschedule meetings or be transparent with a colleague/boss that I’m just not myself today. At The Mustache Cat, it feels different. I understand and appreciate that I’m an escape from your regular day or that I’m a “treat yourself” moment and I am so so thankful to be that space for you. I want to put on the happy side of my tiki cup even though the sad may be the more accurate current version of me.

So thinking about this and chatting with friends pushed me to be more open about my feelings. Sharing this journey, space, and myself with you should include the good and the not so good - it’s what makes #buildinginpublic authentic and relatable. It also helps me be a better version of myself at the shop when I can share/vent a bit here and just be in my happy place here.

So I guess all these feelings and thoughts and rambling to say (burying the TL;DR for my corporate friends) - it’s not always a smiley face day and that has to be okay. Let’s give folks a little grace and space to be authentically them today.


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