Latest Blog posts

Why does it feel so different making friends as an adult?
Why does it feel so different making friends as an adult? When did we stop asking people that looked fun to join us on the swings, to join a kickball game, or to come to our birthday party?

New Local Artist Alert: Anna Stark
We love sharing new local artists and makers with this community.
One Word Drive
One of our favorite things about year ONE of The Mustache Cat journey is the community that we are building here and in store. The Mustache Cat truly wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for all of you - in a word, WOW 🤩

Introducing The Vintage Fall Crawl
Everything you need to know about the Twin Cities Vintage Fall Crawl.
Feeling #official
Was so much fun working with Madeline to showcase The Mustache Cat in MSP Magazine.
Holy Cow! Did you see us on TV?
The Mustache Cat was featured on Twin Cities Live, Happy Hour and a Half!

We love Saint Paul
We are so excited to be setting down roots for our shop in Saint Paul. We love the city for more than just a couple reasons.